Once upon a time I was told my life would only ever be mediocre. Once upon a time I was told I couldn’t change the world so I should stop trying. Once upon a time I would have listened to those people and let that kind of narrow minded thinking dictate the life I was going to live…. But one day I saw a new perspective. Maybe to someone looking from a far, my life would seem rather mediocre. Maybe my attempts to leave this world a better place would look like I am trying to change it. Either way anyone wants to look at it, I wouldn’t change this life for anything. My life and me are far from perfect, but that’s what makes me, ME! And, I’ve got something pretty damn special! Do you look at someone else’s life and wish you had what they have? If that’s the case, I would suggest looking closer, sometimes what others have, isn’t worth the path they took to get there. Plus don’t you want to be unique in the things you want?! Is there something you want so badly, but it feels like it’s out of your reach? What if I told you, you could have it?! Would knowing that your dreams were within your reach make them easier to achieve? Since I changed my “lifestyle”, as cliché as it sounds, I’ve realized that most of my dreams are within my reach, and if they aren’t, I have learned ways to get them there. It might mean I need more patience or it might mean working my ass off, but either way they are there. Most people I have met believe the only way they achieve their goals is by doing everything perfectly and by the book. I am here to tell you “fuck the book”… perfect is boring. Just because it worked for someone else doesn’t mean the same will happen for you. We are all different and we need to learn to celebrate that shit! What works for me isn’t going to work for you, because we are not the same. If I want to lose 10 lbs, that is going to look very different from your 10 lbs. Too many factors need to be taken into consideration. This is also what I believe sets me above and makes me one hell of a trainer. We are not made from the same cookie cutter, not even the same recipe. So why would I make your plan the same plan as mine? I wouldn’t. I would listen to you and see what it is you are really looking for. Sometimes we need to hear the truth, sometimes we just need to be told what to do, and sometimes all we need is to know is that we have someone backing us up! Henry Ford once said "whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”. Read it again. I mean really read those words. I have one rule in my classes - you are not allowed to say the c-word (get your mind out of the gutter). The word is CAN'T and this quote is exactly why! If you think you can’t do something then you never will. And that's the cold hard truth, it goes for every aspect of your life. Take out all the negative words in your vocabulary and only ask for the things you want, not the things you don’t want. You will see a whole new world unfold in front of you. Going back to the idea of changing the world, I’ve learned it’s not the whole world I want to change, it’s your world and the way you see it that I want to change. I want to help you shine the light in all your dark corners to show you that there is nothing to be afraid of. There are no monsters. There is only beauty in you. You have the ability to be a super hero! We’ve all made mistakes. As much as we want to try to live without regret, we all have that one thing we did, said, ate or drank that we wish we could do over. But all of those things make us who we are today. Don’t change any of that because:
Let me help you find your inner super hero, we will unleash that Beast and show the world all that you are made of.
Be a MissFit….perfect is boring!