When it comes to clean eating, a lot of people know they should eat their fruits and veggies, but they don’t know how the food they are putting in their body is affecting them. One of the most important things we’ve learnt along the way is that food is more than just simply fuel or energy. Food has the ability to harm/heal our bodies in so many ways. Everything that you put in your body essentially makes up who you are and plays a major role in your health! So, in case you haven’t noticed, it is super important to make sure that you are filling your body with not only healthy food choices, but superfoods that can help you feel your best.
This topic is very close to our heart at LMF. So many people have relatives/parents who they have watched suffer from cancer and heart disease. After my mom received her breast cancer diagnosis, I was so terrified that I was going to get cancer one day because she did. We had no history of breast cancer in our family, so there is a good chance that her diet was one of the contributing factors to her diagnosis. That experience had a huge impact on my life and inspired me to take matters into my own hands and try to do everything in my power to prevent receiving a similar diagnosis. It is now my goal to share this message with others so that we can all live disease free, happy lives. You may be wondering why this is so important? It all comes back to your future health. How do you want to spend the rest of your life? Eating the right foods can help prevent the occurrence of many different kinds of cancer and heart disease. Our diet is one of the main things that we have control over. If you could stop a car that is driving out of control towards you, wouldn’t you do it? The choice is yours and your health is in our own hands. To help you out, we’ve created the following list of foods that heal, as well as foods that harm. If learning more about how superfoods can help you interests you, come to our nutrition seminar with coach Kerina on February 10th from 1:00-3:00pm! Click here to register